Celebrating Grant Lau
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January 20, 2020
Today I remember my father-in-law, Grant Lau, as it is his birthday. I sure do miss that old man. He had amazing stories of growing up and haying our land with teams of horses, helping out in his father's sheep camps north of town and so much more. This summer we had a few professors from USU visit the Meadow and we were reminded of Grant's propensity to try any legume he thought had a fighting chance to survive on our land. As we walked around the professors would say -"hey there is cicer milkvetch, or there is bird's foot treefoil", growing kinda wild in our fields. Grant would learn about a beneficial plant, buy a bit of seed, scatter it and wait and see what happened. Our land has a very old line of sainfoin because Grant was an early adopter and he tried it just as soon as it became available. Not everything Grant tried has worked out quite so marvelously...John grouses about the early maturing creeping meadow foxtail his dad sowed every single year. The meadow foxtail isn't highly palatable to cattle once it matures, which it does super early in the season, but hey you can't guess right every time.
We lost a great man during the summer of 2015. This picture was taken shortly before he passed away. Funnily enough the family is standing in that Garrison creeping meadow foxtail John grouses about. Below is Grant, with his two children Sarah and John and his three grandkids, Tom, Becca and lil Grant.
Grant was a fabulous photographer. When Grant and Mary Jane built this house in 1966 they made the laundry room also able to serve as a dark room so Grant could develop his own black and white photos and slides. Grant's love of photography extended throughout his life - we have hundreds of photos he took. One of his favorite subjects was wildflowers, he spent hours tramping about finding them and photographing them. He also collected seeds from his favorites and created his own personal wildflower garden.