Let us chose the cuts (within these guidelines) and save on these bundles of cuts
At least 20 lbs of various beef cuts
Thirty approx 1 lb packages
Ten 1 lb packages
Price will vary...calculated at 10% off retail price of items included in bundle
Price will vary...calculated at 15% off retail price of items included in the bundle
Price will vary...calculated at 10% off retail price of items included in bundle
Price will vary...calculated at 15% off retail price of items included in the bundle
Price will vary...calculated at 10% off retail price of items included in bundle
First step in purchasing a quarter beef
First step in purchasing a half lamb
First step in purchasing a whole lamb
First step in purchasing a half beef
Price will vary...calculated at 10% off retail price of items included in bundle
Price will vary...calculated at 15% off retail price of items included in bundle